by Bill Neely, Burning Man 2015
Honoraria Art Grant Project
Black Rock City, 500 Feet Under
Playa level conception of the school of Cui'ui fish
Overhead conception of the school of Cui'ui fish
Overhead animation of the school's reaction to motion
by nearby Burners
Simulations by Chris Chalmers and Bill Neely
12,000 years ago, Lake Lohontan covered Black Rock City to a depth of 500
Lake Lohontan covered 85,000 square miles and was one of the
largest lakes in North
America. Bottom dwelling fish, Cui’ui, populated the lake and still live in
nearby Pyramid
Lake, one of the modern remnants of Lohontan. Cui'ui can
grow to 3’ in length.
One may have
encounted this school of Cui’ui exploring Black Rock City
at the end of the
Pleistocene Era.
The Cui'ui were installed at the Pyramid Lake Paiute Museum in September,
after the Burn.
The fish are a traditional pricipal food staple for
the tribe. The museum is in Nixon, Nevada.
Build in progress
Short movie of fish at night (20 MB)