The Fairy Oracle
Burning Man 2018

The Fairy Oracle is a vocally interactive Fairy under a cupola,
that will ask questions of the Burner, and then give them advice and a
prophecy. She was surrounded by a field of 18 interactive Fairies (from
the 2017 Field of Fairies) who offer wishes to a compliant Burner.
by Bill Neely
Pictures from the playa
Movie of a prophecy
Eight of these 30 questions were picked randomly by The Fairy Oracle.
The answers were used to pick the prophecy. 596 prophecies were given
to Burners in 2018. Here are the compiled answers:
Have you been in this situation before? yes 42 no 92
Do you feel like you are close to a breakthrough? yes 79 no 53
Are you here with a soulmate? yes 63 no 67
Do you feel at peace with yourself? yes 79 no 61
Do you feel loved? yes 103 no 26
Did anything transformative happen recently? yes 97 no 44
Is there someone new that you desire? yes 53 no 92
Do you wish to change the direction of your life? yes 53 no 84
Are you happy? yes 101 no 19
Is there a critical decision coming up? yes 65 no 74
Are you having a good time? yes 120 no 20
Are you high? yes 38 no 110
Do you feel like you contribute to the planet? yes 105 no 33
Do you feel like cutting loose? yes 88 no 47
Do you like to get wild? yes 89 no 28
Have you been depressed? yes 63 no 71
Did you loose someone close to you lately? yes 36 no 90
Are you looking for a new relationship? yes 38 no 86
Are you in love? yes 72 no 50
Would you like to try something new? yes 109 no 16
Do you like to experiment? yes 135 no 11
Would you like to have multiple lovers? yes 62 no 76
Do you know yourself? yes 73 no 45
Is your lover your best friend? yes 69 no 59
Can you visualize your life path? yes 57 no 68
Have you felt destroyed lately? yes 53 no 79
Have you enjoyed meeting a new person today? yes 95 no 25
Do you love yourself? yes 101 no 33
Have you been rejected by your lover? yes 42 no 98
Are you able to enjoy yourself? yes 134 no 25
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